The ANZASW would like to acknowledge ANZASW Life Members Mary Nash and Dugald McDonald for their invaluable contributions to this project. We also acknowledge the help and support of Louis Changuion (University Archivist, Massey University).
Copyright Disclaimer
Every effort has been made to trace rights owners where relevant and to ensure that nothing in the ANZASW digital history project infringes the laws of New Zealand. Should you believe that any content in this project does infringe any rights you may possess, or any New Zealand law, please contact the national office: or telephone (03) 349 0190.
In some cases it has not been possible to trace any rights holder. Such persons or their representatives, where they exist, are invited to contact us. In these cases, we will immediately remove any allegedly infringing material from the ANZASW digital history project until we have completed the necessary investigations.